
This is the blog of Kelly Pavelich: fiber artist, locavore, homeschooling mom, and Lyme sufferer / counsellor. I hope that you enjoy the content of these pages. All pages are the copyright of Kelly Pavelich but you are welcome to try any of the recipes, patterns and ideas for your personal use. If you'd like to contact me I am available at kelly@pavelich.com.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Putting the thump in thumpyfuzz

Last Christmas we had two new additions to the household in the form of a pair of extremely wonderful extremely furry angora rabbits. Here they are kicking back and watching a bit of TV.

In addition to making wonderful pets, these rabbits have provided some wonderful spinning fiber for my daughter and I and a heck of a lot of garden compost. I swear I have the happiest organic tomato plants on the block thanks to the rabbity compost contributions. I just wish they would 'fertilize' the couch a little less often. It seems that this is the bunny way of saying "this is my space". They aren't totally stupid either. It works like a charm. If it comes down to sitting in bunny poop or choosing another chair, I mostly choose another chair and leave them the couch. Being able to discipline the small creatures in my life has never been high on my list of accomplishments. A five pound bunny can walk all over me and make it look easy. Thank goodness for washable slipcovers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL on the fertilizing the couch! Just saw your adorable little ones on disapproving rabbits - great pic there! That's so cool that you have the talent to not only enjoy the rabbits but make their fur into wonderful creations! wow