
This is the blog of Kelly Pavelich: fiber artist, locavore, homeschooling mom, and Lyme sufferer / counsellor. I hope that you enjoy the content of these pages. All pages are the copyright of Kelly Pavelich but you are welcome to try any of the recipes, patterns and ideas for your personal use. If you'd like to contact me I am available at kelly@pavelich.com.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Pile of Foof

Here is one German angora worth of carded fiber. The whole pile weighs about 4 oz and is softer than you can imagine. If you open your hand and close your eyes I can place a large piece in your hand and you won't even know it is there. Totally wonderful! Do I ever love my bunnies.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Baby Shower

Here is a recent project I made for a neighbour's baby shower. It used up a bunch of odds and ends I had in my basket. I like the top four colours on the hat together. They remind me of mountains and sky. I think that I will make my next landscape knitting project with this as a theme.